Difference between pregnancy and period symptoms in detail
The difference between pregnancy and period symptoms at its beginning and symptoms is almost the same, and the woman begins to worry and wonders, am I pregnant or do I have period retention? How do you know if your period is coming or your pregnant? Therefore, women should know the difference between pregnancy and period symptoms in its early stages. We talk here in detail about the differences between them.
Can early pregnancy feel like a period ? PMS symptoms appear about a week or
10 days before the The menstruation begins, and it ends during the days of the cycle or after it ends, depending on the nature of each woman, but the symptoms of pregnancy last for a longer period of time.
As for the symptoms of pregnancy, they are represented in: Breast pain… It is known that breast pain is one of the signs of an approaching period, but it is also a sign of pregnancy, but in a more severe way, as the pain in the breasts increases daily.
The difference between back pain in PMS and pregnancy
Back pain is one of the pains mentioned in both cases, but it is usually not considered a strong pregnancy pain except in the case of bleeding or severe stress, so it is preferable not to carry or push weights at the beginning of pregnancy.
Back pain is one of the most important early pregnancy symptoms.
When the fertilized egg begins to move inside the tube on its way to the uterine cavity to settle.
At this stage, the uterine muscle contracts, and this happens with intussusception because the uterine muscle is dilated.
To prepare the uterus to grow in size, to bear the growth of the fetus in the advanced stages, causing those contractions and back pain.
These cramps and back pain occur about 6 days after ovulation. That is, after the immersion of the fetus in the womb.
Difference between pregnancy and period symptoms – breast pain
Breast pain when pregnant
It is known that breast pain is one of the signs of an approaching period, but it is also a sign of pregnancy, especially in a more severe form, as breast pain increases day by day as a result of the increase in progesterone.
(PMS) Breast pain in the menstrual cycle
On the contrary, in the case of the menstrual cycle, the pains decrease with the passage of time. The ring that surrounds the nipple changes color or expands slightly, becoming darker than usual. Breast pain during the menstrual cycle: The pain gradually disappears with the start of the cycle, as a result of the decrease in the progesterone rate.
Can early pregnancy feel like period cramps ?
The difference between period colic and pregnancy (ّ1)
Abdominal pain and contractions Abdominal pain when pregnant
These contractions are more intense and more frequent throughout the first trimester, with a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and back, and this is accompanied by a feeling of nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning.
Abdominal pain during the menstrual cycle
The woman feels lower abdominal contractions before the onset of her period, which lasts for one to three days after her period.
The difference between pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms a week before the period
What are the symptoms of pregnancy? What is the difference between them and the symptoms of menstruation
PMS symptoms
- The occurrence of pain in the breast, but it decreases and does not increase.
- Abdominal pain occurs before the menstrual period, and increases on the first and second day and then disappears.
- As it happens in the case of early pregnancy, the woman notices that she has an increased appetite and the desire to eat a certain type of food, and it may be crunchy in some women or girls, and it may be sugar in others.
- Feeling anxious and psychological tension.
- And the girl or married woman feels an unjustified desire to cry, i.e. crying for no reason.
- In the event of menstruation, women also feel pain in the joints.
- Back pain occurs due to the menstrual cycle and decreases as it goes down
Pregnancy symptoms before period
- Constant headaches occur at the beginning of early pregnancy due to pregnancy hormones.
- The presence of sensitivity in the breasts, so the woman is affected when someone or something hits them, and she feels pain and upset when she touches them.
- Nesting spotting, light bleeding that lasts for several days, and this light bleeding cannot match menstrual flow.
- Sudden constipation is one of the signs of early pregnancy, because the habit of colon movement is less than normal at the beginning of pregnancy as a result of the high progesterone hormone.
- Cramps and back pain occur about 6 days after ovulation. That is, after the fetus is immersed in the womb, as we mentioned.
- Swelling of the breasts and a feeling of heaviness in them, with blue veins appearing in them.
- The color of the nipple becomes darker and changes from the previous one, and this is noticeable.
- Frequent urination and inability to control urine.
- The body temperature may rise with an increase in the amount of sweat.
- The pregnant woman feels heaviness in the abdomen and gases are trapped.
If you notice these signs on yourself, then you can do a home pregnancy test 4:5 days before your period, and the pregnancy, if any, will appear, God willing, especially if the test is digital.
The difference between period pain and pregnancy pain, the sure signs of pregnancy three days before the period, the difference between period pain and pregnancy pain experiences, the difference between period pain and pregnancy pain, period pain comes and goes is pregnancy, the difference between abdominal pain during period and pregnancy, the difference between menstrual cramps and pregnancy Pregnancy symptoms a week before the period, from experience , Difference between pregnancy and period symptoms